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Each plant showcased on the mural holds a small but vital role in their ecosystem. I recommend you look even further than this website to learn the best ways to support the habitats in your area.

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Common Milkweed

Common milkweed is a plant that is vital to our environment because of its support of the Monarch Butterfly. Milkweed contains a toxin that makes it poisonous to almost everything but the butterfly. Monarchs can only lay their eggs on milkweed. It is a very recognizable plant with its waxy rounded leaves and large pink flowers. 

Black-Eyed Susans

These flowers grow in grasslands or open woody areas. They are a good plant for supporting native pollinator gardens because they are both hardy and pretty. There are several varieties that are nearly indistinguishable from each other, and they are closely related to brown-eyed susans and coneflowers.

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Bloodroot grows in rich woodland soil and enjoys shade. It gets its name from the dark red sap that is present in the roots. It is a traditional herb used for various ailments, although it pales not in comparison to modern medicine. It blooms in the early spring with bright daisy-like flowers


Bluets are tiny flowers that sometimes appear to be floating because of how small their stems are. They like to grow in forests and fields, particularly the shady areas. They support some of the smaller local pollinators, such as sweat bees. They bloom during spring or early summer. 

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Woolly Blue Violet

The Woolly Blue Violet goes by many names, and is one of the most common species of violet. It grows in forests and along streambeds, particularly in shadier areas. They bloom throughout the spring and summer, and come in a variety of blues and purples.

Carolina Spring Beauties

These little flowers grow in shady wooded areas with rich soil. They are characterized by their pink, white, and sometimes yellow stripes. They flower in the early spring. They are one of my personal favorites!

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